The Coverings of the Heart

The heart is covered by two thin protective layers called the pericardium and the space between these two layers is called the pericardial space. This space is filled with a small amount of fluid to keep the two layers from sliding against each other.
Chambers & Major Blood Vessels of the Heart

Chambers & Major Blood Vessels of the Heart

The can be divided into right and left halves. The right heart brings the de-oxygenated blood collected from the veins from all over the body and returns it to the lungs where it is reloaded with fresh oxygen. The blood then reaches the left heart and is pushed out to the rest of the body.
Chambers & Major Blood Vessels of the Heart

The Tricuspid Valve → controls the blood flow from Right Atrium to Right Ventricle
The Pulmonic Valve (Semilunar or bicuspid valve) → controls the blood flow from Right Ventricle to the Lungs
The Mitral Valve → controls the blood flow from Left Atrium to Left Ventricle
The Aortic Valve → controls the blood flow from Left Ventricle to the Aorta
Blood Supply of the Heart

The Coronary Artery and its branches are the major blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscles.
The Electrical System of the Heart
The heart has an inbuilt electric circuit that allows the heart to pump blood to the various organs of the body.
The Sinoatrial Node (also called SA Node or the Pacemaker) is where the electrical impulse starts and it continues to Atrioventricular Node (AV Node) and to the rest heart in an organized manner.
Electric Pathway: SA Node 🡪 AV Node 🡪 Bundle of His 🡪 Purkinje Fibers

The Electrical System of the Heart
- The right heart pumps de-oxygenated blood from the body to the lungs
- The left heart pumps oxygen rich blood to the entire body
- The SA Node (pacemaker) sets the electrical rhythm